The Yaolin Team

Yaolin Kung Fu Association estabalished in 1995. "Yaolin", in Cantonese meaning "Friends United", was chosen as the Club's name. It serves to remind the founders that without the unity of friends and loyalty, the school will not be successful.

Yaolin Kung Fu Association represented Australia in the "6th International Dragon & Lion Dance Championship" held in Shanghai 2017 (described as the "Olympics of Dragon and Lion Dance"). Our routine received 1st place in the Western Division, and 2nd in the Overall Division under the "Traditional Lion Dance Routine".

As well as representing Australia amongst international exhibitions, performances and training, Yaolin Kung Fu Association has performed at thousands of events over the last 23 years for all kinds of occasions. Established in 1995 (Perth, Western Australia), the primary aim of Yaolin Kung Fu Association is one which strives to preserve and promote the Chinese culture within our Club and community. We also dance for the love and fun of the art, and we hope to create strong bonds, not only amongst ourselves, but also with our clients and other Dragon and Lion Dancing groups across the world. We hope to be a part of your future festivities. For events booking or interest in joining the team, please contact us.

Member and Associate of:

Global Pak Mei Martial Arts Association - Hong Kong

International Wai Mou Dragon & Lion Dance Feberation- Malaysia

Meng Kok Dragon & Lion Dance Association - Malaysia

Xuan Long Dragon & Lion Dance Association - Malaysia

Australian Kung Fu (Wu-Shu) Federation